Counselor A-B
Email Kayla Sumsion
Sophomore Career Planning

Kayla Sumsion

Ashley Whiting
Counselor C-E

Caryn Neilsen
Counselor F-G

Amy Bond
Counselor H-K

Karen Fuller
Counselor L-N
Email Karen Fuller

Scot Tippetts
Counselor O-Sm
Email Scot Tippetts

Kaha'i Fa'alafua
Counselor Sn-Z
Email Kaha'i Fa'alafua
Step 1: Learn about MMHS Graduation Requirements
Reference the MMHS General Education Academic Planner
On iCampus, click on Academic Plan and use the Graduation Checklist (Sophomore Quick Reference Sheet) to mark off classes completed
Step 2: Exploring Careers
Consider careers that interest you and what classes might be similar in content
Complete the Career Interest Assessment to match personality interests with careers
Write two career choices on Sophomore Quick Reference Sheet
Explore Work Values to discover important workplace standards
Write two values on the Sophomore Quick Reference Sheet

Step 3: Explore Offerings at MMHS
Step 4: Prepare for Classes For Junior and Senior Year
Use the MMHS General Education Academic Planner to tentatively plan Junior & Senior Year
Utilize the Course Descriptions to ensure prerequisites/recommended classes are met
Reference the Graduation Checklist